Inrush Rating: 2.5 sec.
Cranking Rating: 100 sec.
1750 Amperes DC
900 Amperes DC
Marine Electrical Products
Intermittent Rating: 5 min. (UL 1107) 600 Amperes DC
Continuous Rating: (UL 1107)
Terminal Stud, Tin-Plated Copper
Cable Size to Meet Ratings**
Maximum Voltage Rating
Ignition Protected
350 Amperes DC
3/8”-16 (M10)
140 in-lb (15.82 N·m)
4/0 AWG (95mm²)
48 Volts DC
e-Series Single Circuit ON/OFF
Battery Switch with AFD*
PN 9004e
• Disconnects single battery bank in emergencies, or when vessel is not in use
• For switching battery banks in applications requiring high power output,
reliability, and low heat generation
Agency Specifications
• Meets all American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) requirements for
battery switches
• UL Listed - UL 1107 for electric power switches
• Meets UL 1500 and SAE J1171 external ignition protection requirements
• Alternator Field Disconnect (AFD) protects the diodes in the alternator in the
event of the switch being switched to the OFF position while the engine is
Tin-plated copper studs:
• 3/8”-16 (M10) provide maximum conductivity and corrosion resistance
• One-piece to reduce risk of overheating
Any Blue Sea Systems product with which a customer is not satisfied may be
returned for a refund or replacement at any time.
• 7/8” (22.22mm) length to accept multiple cable terminals
Case design:
• Allows surface mounting or rear panel mounting
• Accepts up to 4/0 AWG (95mm²) battery cables
For information about Blue Sea Systems Engine Starting Standard, go to
* Alternator Field Disconnect
** Reducing cable sizes will reduce current ratings
Blue Sea Systems Inc.
425 Sequoia Drive
Phone (360) 738-8230
Fax (360) 734-4195
Bellingham, WA 98226 USA
E-mail conductor@bluesea.com
• Disconnect positive battery terminal before installing.
• Débranchez la cosse positive de la batterie avant de l’installer.
• Desconecte el terminal positivo de la batería antes de la instalación.
• Prima di eseguire l’installazione, disconnettere il terminale positivo della batteria.
• Consult marine electrical professional for proper wiring application.
• Consultez un professionnel de l’électricité marine pour installer le câblage correctement.
• Consulte a un electricista marino profesional para la aplicación de alambrado apropiada.
• Per assicurarsi che i cavi siano correttamente collegati, rivolgersi ad un elettricista specializzato in motori marini.
• Mount in an easily accessible location close to the batteries.
• Montez-le dans un endroit facilement accessible près des batteries.
• Monte en una ubicación fácilmente accesible cerca de la batería.
• Montare in un punto facilmente accessibile e vicino alle batterie.
• Attach one 4/0 AWG cable per terminal to meet ratings.
• Raccordez un câble 95mm² par cosse pour respecter les spécifications.
• Sujete un cable 95mm² por terminal de acuerdo a la clasificación.
• Attaccare un cavo 95mm² per conformarsi alle tarature.
• Refer to the latest edition of NFPA 302 and/or ABYC E11 Standard for installation information.
• Battery cable terminals must be attached under nut and lock washer. Torque 140 in-lb (15.82 N·m).
• Les cosses des câbles de batterie doivent être fixées sous la rondelle de sûreté et l’écrou – couple de serrage de 15,82 N·m (140 lb-po).
• Los terminales de los cables de batería deberán ser sujetados debajo de la tuerca y la arandela. Apriételos a una torsión de 15,82 N·m (140 lbs-pul).
• I terminali del cavo della batteria vanno attaccati con un dado e una rondella elastica: coppia di 15,82 N·m (140 lbs-in).
• AFD: Cut the field wire from the alternator to the voltage regulator; connect one end to F1, and the other end to F2.
• AFD: Coupez le fil allant de l’alternateur au régulateur de tension ; connectez-en une extrémité à F1 et l’autre à F2.
• AFD: Corte el cable de campo del alternador al regulador de voltaje, conecte un extremo al punto F1 y el otro extremo al punto F2.
• AFD: Staccare il cavo che unisce l’alternatore al regolatore di tensione; connettere un polo a F1 e l’altro a F2.
• Turn all appliances off before turning the battery switch to OFF.
• Éteignez tous les appareils électriques avant de mettre l’interrupteur de batterie sur ARRÊT.
• Apague todos los artefactos antes de girar el interruptor de batería a APAGADO (OFF).
• Spegnere tutte le apparecchiature prima di muovere l’interruttore della batteria su OFF (spento).
• Do not switch to OFF while engine is running.
• Ne le mettez pas sur ARRÊT alors que le moteur tourne.
• No coloque el interruptor en APAGADO (OFF) mientras que el motor esté funcionando.
• Non muovere l’interruttore su OFF (spento) quando il motore è in moto.
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