Cooking Guide
Tips and tricks for getting the most
from your Combi Synergy oven
R11021 Rev A (12/03)
Shallow (2-1/2”) steam pans are recom-
mended for best results. Solid foods which
do not require liquid to be added or saved
will cook fastest in perforated pans. This is
especially true of frozen foods, which tend
to accumulate condensate in solid pans.
When to use the Steam Mode
The steam mode is ideal for products that
are typically boiled, simmered or poached,
including vegetables, rice, shellfish, and
waxy potatoes. Many seafood items lend
themselves to poaching in the steam mode,
as do some poultry and meat dishes. Rice
requires the addition of water or a cooking
liquid when steaming. Cooking dry pasta in
the steam mode is not recommended.
Your steamer is a pressureless cooker. This
allows you to open the door at any time in
the cooking cycle to add or remove prod-
ucts. Exercise caution when opening the
door to prevent steam burns. Open the door
slightly to allow the steam to dissipate for a
few seconds, then open the door fully for
access to reduce the chance of injuries from
How the Steam Mode Works
The fan circulates pressureless steam
throughout the cooking cavity, producing a
convection effect. This allows the steam
mode to cook at lower temperatures than
pressurized steam cookers without signifi-
cant increases in cooking times. Pressureless
steam preserves the texture and color of
foods better than boiling or pressure cook-
ing. The lower temperature does not destroy
vitamin content.
Steam On Demand
This EXCLUSIVE blodgett feature allows you
to inject up to eight minutes of steam at any
time during the cook cycle. A simple timer
and push button combination puts you in
control. This feature is great for crusty
breads, to retard browning and to kick-start
the cooking process with heavy loads.
Tips for Cooking in the Steam Mode
Cooking times should be measured from the
time the window is fully fogged over, indi-
cating that the cooking cavity has complete-
ly filled with steam. Because your unit is
cooking with pressureless convection steam,
maximizing the exposed surface area of the
food to be cooked will yield best results.
Covering the pans with film or foil, using
deep pans, or crowding the pans too close
together without room for air circulation will
slow down the steaming process consider-
ably and may result in uneven cooking.
Vario Steam
While the steam mode is generally
212°F/100°C, this EXCLUSIVE blodgett fea-
ture allows you to poach in the steam mode
at approximately 170-180°F/77-82°C.
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
When to use the Hot Air Mode
Tips for Cooking in the Hot Air Mode
The Hot Air Mode is best suited to those
items that require a dry cooking environ-
ment or rapid browning. Most bakery items
(cookies, cakes, muffins, etc.) will be cooked
in the Hot Air Mode, although many yeast-
leavened products (breads and rolls, crois-
sants, Danish pastries) will yield excellent
results in Combi Mode as well. The Hot Air
Mode can be used to pre-brown meats for
braising or to intensify the final browning of
roasts that have been completed in Combi
Because your unit is cooking with convected
hot air, maximizing the exposed surface area
of the food to be cooked will yield the best
results. Covering the pans with film and/or
foil, using deep pans or crowding the pans
too close together without room for air cir-
culation will slow down the cooking process
considerably and may result in uneven cook-
Cakes may be baked using pan inserts for
greater volume and square corners. Use spe-
cialized pans (e.g., muffin tins) as necessary.
If you observe over-browning around the
edges of the product with a light or under-
cooked center area, the temperature may be
set too high for that product. Undercooked
interiors with a burnt or overdone surface
are also an indication that the temperature is
too high.
How the Hot Air Mode Works
The Hot Air Mode operates exactly like the
familiar convection oven. When adapting
recipes written for static ovens (e.g., deck
ovens or restaurant-range type ovens), you
will generally need to reduce temperatures
25-50°F/15-30°C. Moving (convected) hot
air transfers heat to your food more efficient-
ly than static air, allowing you to cook at
lower temperatures.
Set the thermostat to the desired tempera-
ture and allow the oven to fully preheat
before beginning to cook. The small red
thermometer light next to the thermostat
will light up during preheating. When it
goes out, the oven is up to temperature.
This light will come on again periodically
during operation, indicating that the hot air
elements or burners are active.
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
steam production is automatic and is ther-
mostatically controlled to produce the opti-
mum humidity for the baking or roasting
temperature selected (the ideal relative
humidity at a given temperature is predeter-
mined: too little steam would allow excess
shrinkage, while too much steam would
waste energy as the oven struggles to main-
tain the hot air temperature setting). Your
COMBI produces steam and hot air alter-
nately during the cooking cycle for energy
conservation; both steam and hot air are
present in the cooking cavity simultaneously
for optimal food preparation.
When to use the Combi Mode
The Combi Mode is ideal for most high-pro-
tein, center-of-the-plate items: roasted
meats, baked poultry and baked fish. It does
an excellent job on casserole type dishes
such as lasagna, baked macaroni and meat-
loaf which must be cooked to a safe internal
temperature without overcooking the exteri-
or. Braising meats such as spare ribs, corned
beef or pot roast is easily done in Combi
Mode at temperatures of 225-250°F/105-
120°C. Breads, rolls and other yeast-raised
products will exhibit greater "oven-spring"
when baked in the Combi Mode. Specialty
breads such as French bread, soft pretzels
and bagels are also possible.
Tips for Cooking in the COMBI Mode
The COMBI Mode uses hot air in the same
manner as a convection oven; recipes adapt-
ed for convection ovens translate well to
COMBI cooking. Recipes developed for static
ovens without moving air will typically
require a temperature reduction of 25-
50°F/15-30°C. Because steam transfers heat
more efficiently than dry air, you will gener-
ally experience shorter cooking times in the
COMBI Mode than in a comparable convec-
tion oven. A 25% reduction in cooking time
is common, although actual results will vary
widely by product and original cooking
technique. Lowering the temperature
beyond the initial adaptation for convection
oven cooking and keeping the original bak-
ing and roasting times will optimize yields.
Most operators will choose a combination of
slightly faster cooking times and slightly
higher yields. The choice of which to opti-
mize is yours.
How the Combi Mode Works
The Combi Mode combines the effects of
both convection steam and hot air convec-
tion for improved yields, shorter cooking
times and juicier products. It will reduce, but
not eliminate, browning (carmelization is a
function of temperature, increasing at higher
temperature settings). Because foods cooked
in the Combi Mode are not drying out as
they would in a typical convection oven,
they brown more slowly, allowing the heat
to reach the interior of the product before
the outside becomes scorched or dried out.
As the steam produced in Combi Mode con-
denses on the food surface, it efficiently
transfers its heat to the food, resulting in
shorter average cooking times than in a simi-
lar dry oven.
The COMBI Mode gives priority to the hot
air thermostat setting. The oven bakes and
roasts in a similar manner to the familiar
convection oven, but adds steam intermit-
tently throughout the cooking process. The
Shallow pans are recommended for best
results. Both the convected steam and con-
vected hot air transfer heat to the food's sur-
face. Increasing the food surface area relative
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Rethermalizing in COMBI Mode
to its volume (i.e., multiple shallow pans
instead of a few deep pans) will give the
fastest cooking times and most even cook-
ing. Covering the food with film and/or foil
will defeat the convection effect, and is not
necessary to prevent scorching or drying
because of the steam present during COMBI
cooking. Pressureless steam is present in the
cooking compartment during COMBI baking
and roasting. The steam remains dry at tem-
peratures above approximately 275°F/
135°C, and will not appear as condensate
on the door. Exercise caution when opening
the door to prevent steam burns. Open the
door slightly to allow the steam to dissipate
for a few seconds, then open the door fully
for access to reduce the chance of injuries
from steam.
Rethermalization is the process of bringing
fully cooked, chilled food from storage tem-
perature to safe serving temperature without
loss of quality. COMBI Mode lends itself to
reheating food without the typical drying
and overbrowning. Foods to be rethermal-
ized should be in shallow pans with the
product distributed in an even thickness.
Temperatures between 250-300°F/120-
150°C are typically used for rethermaliza-
If additional browning is desired after the
food is almost fully cooked, switch to hot air
and increase the temperature for the last few
minutes until the desired color is achieved.
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
necessary condiments. No eggs to peel!
Basic Times & Temperatures
An easy omelet can be cooked in half-size
(18 x 13") sheet pans lined with plastic wrap
or sprayed with pan release. Fill the lined
pan with 36 oz. of beaten egg (18 large
eggs). Add chopped ham and vegetables (or
any filling of your choice) and steam until
almost set. Top with shredded cheese if
desired and steam until fully cooked. Slide
omelet off the pan onto a clean cutting
board and slice into individual portions
using a pizza wheel.
Although there is a detailed cooking guide
in this manual, most foods can be prepared
using a very simple approach. Casseroles
(e.g., lasagna, baked macaroni, etc.) and
medium-sized roasts can be cooked in
combi mode at 300°F/150°C. Foods to be
crisped (breaded foods, chicken pieces with
skin, etc.) do well in combi at 375°F/190°C.
Most baked goods perform well at 300-
325°F/150-165°C in hot air mode. Steam
temperature is preset at 212°F/100°C (unless
you are using Vario Steam). Cook vegeta-
bles, rice and shellfish in steam.
An alternative omelet preparation is to use
only 24 oz. of beaten egg (12 large eggs) in
a plastic lined half sheet pan. Steam until
fully cooked, pop eggs and plastic onto a
clean cutting board and peel off plastic.
Cover the center third (lengthwise) of the
eggs with the warm toppings of your
choice, fold over the two outside flaps and
slice across into portions for a more tradi-
tional looking (but more labor consuming)
Frozen Pizza
Pizza tends to overbrown in convection
ovens without ever getting a good bottom
crust. Bake frozen pizza at 350°F/175°C in
Combi Mode to reduce scorching the top-
pings. Use perforated sheet pans or sprinkle
coarse cornmeal on solid pans to prevent a
soggy bottom crust.
Poached eggs are easily cooked using muffin
tins sprayed with pan release. Break a whole
egg into each cavity and steam to desired
doneness. Gently pop out the cooked eggs
(you may need to run a rubber spatula
around the cup rims to break the vacuum)
and use as you would any poached egg.
Egg Dishes
Many egg dishes can be prepared easily and
with less labor using Steam Mode.
Scrambled eggs can be cooked using shal-
low pans. Break up the curds at least once
during cooking.
Hard cooked whole eggs can be prepared
right in the cardboard (not plastic!) flats on
sheet pans. Steam for approximately 15
minutes (check for doneness) and use imme-
diately or cool rapidly in an icewater bath if
planning to use cold in salads or as a garnish
(rapid cooling helps prevent discoloring of
the yolk).
Egg salad can be prepared by lining a shal-
low pan with plastic wrap (allow a generous
overhang) and filling it to a depth of
approximately 1 " with whole (unscrambled)
eggs. Steam until fully set, pop the cooked
eggs and plastic onto a clean cutting board
and peel off the plastic wrap. Chop by hand,
or add to the "buffalo chopper" with the
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
"Mock Stir Fry" Dishes
Several variations of this dish are possible by
varying the meat, poultry or fish used, as
well as changing the sauces. A low-fat stir
fry, fajitas or Italian beef are just a few possi-
Bagels can be produced in the COMBI by
preheating the oven to 350°F/177°C in
Combi Mode. Set Steam On Demand for
three minutes. Quickly load the proofed
bagels on sheet pans into the oven. Bake for
a total of 10-13 minutes. Dough formula-
tions vary widely, so you'll need to experi-
ment with exact times and temperatures.
Teriyaki Chicken (beef, pork or shrimp) is
easily prepared by mixing canned sliced
mushrooms, julienne sweet peppers (use
green, red and yellow for great color), juli-
enne Spanish onions and thin sliced bone-
less, skinless chicken breast with dark, thick
teriyaki sauce. Optionally add sliced bamboo
shoots or water chestnuts. Mix all well to
coat with teriyaki sauce. Spread in a shallow
layer on sheet pans and cook in Combi
Mode at 375°F/ 190°C for 10-15 minutes or
until done. Vegetables should still be firm.
Meat, poultry or shrimp should be fully
cooked with dark highlights on edges of
meat and vegetables. Serve over steamed
Breaded Products
For best results, place breaded products on
screens or wire racks on sheet pans so bot-
toms brown and crisp properly (perforated
sheet pans also help). Bake in Combi Mode
at 375°F/190°C. If breading does not brown
but looks white and dry (or simply burns),
spray product with pan release next time
before cooking. Some fat is necessary for
proper browning. Most prepared and frozen
breaded products have sufficient fats in the
breading to brown properly without any
additions, but a few will require help.
"Southern stir fry" is a good variation:
replace the teriyaki with thick barbeque
sauce and omit the oriental vegetables. Use
beef, pork or chicken and serve over red
beans and rice.
For quick fajita filling, omit the mushrooms
and oriental vegetables, and use fajita sauce
in place of teriyaki. Serve with wheat tor-
Italian beef is quickly prepared by omitting
the oriental vegetables, adding chunks of
fresh tomatoes and using creamy Italian
salad dressing in place of the teriyaki. Serve
over fettucini or in a hero sandwich. Sliced
Italian sausage also works well in this prepa-
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Mock "Rotisserie" Chicken
Rethermalizing Bagged Products
(Sous Vide)
Rotisserie cooking produces juicy, attractive
whole chickens, but it's slow and a mess to
clean up afterwards. A good substitute, with
similar flavor and appearance, can be
achieved by roasting whole birds (prepared
with your favorite marinade or rub) upright
on wire racks in Combi Mode at
375°F/190°1. A special rack is available for
this application to help hold the birds
upright. A 2-1/2 - 3 lb/1-1.5 kilo bird will
cook in roughly 35 minutes. Cleanup is sim-
ple with the standard spray hose and wash-
ing procedure.
Many operators are using "cook chill" sys-
tems or purchasing fully cooked products in
heat resistant bags. These products can be
reheated in the bag (check for maximum
heat tolerance), but you will generally see
better results by removing the product from
the bag and reheating in shallow pans in
either steam or combi mode. The bags pro-
tect the product but also act as insulators,
significantly slowing down the reheating of
the product. Rethermalizing in steam mode
may result in condensate on the product
changing the consistency. Rethermalizing in
combi mode between 250-275°F/120-135°C
will minimize condensation and allow rapid
Low-fat "Oven Fried" Chicken
Dredge skinless chicken pieces in seasoned
flour, dip in lightly beaten egg whites and
coat with bread crumbs that have been
moistened with salad oil. Bake at
375°F/190°C on wire racks. Chicken may be
cooked on sheet pans, but will not brown
well on bottom. Do not omit oil from bread
crumbs completely or they will not brown
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
If there is too little heat, the leavening
Some Common Baking Problems &
What Causes Them
agents do not react and the muffins do not
rise properly. Longer baking times will pro-
duce a muffin with a dry, overbrowned exte-
rior and a gummy interior, or exhibit
"exploding" when the heat finally reaches
the interior. The rising interior splits open
the fully set exterior and the muffin
explodes. Use a higher temperature to allow
the muffin to rise quickly. You may need to
reduce the temperature for the second half
of the baking time so the fully risen muffins
do not overbrown while they set up.
Muffins have a tendency to lean to one side
because of the air currents in a convection
oven. If you experience this problem, try
preheating the oven an extra 50°F/30°C,
load the product quickly and turn the oven
off for 5 minutes. Turn the oven back on at
the normal convection oven baking temper-
ature and bake until done (this allows the
muffins to develop some structure before
being blown around).
Light batters for cakes that blow to one side
or exhibit severe rippling can be handled in
the same manner as the muffins.
Over-browning around the pan's edges is
generally an indication the temperature is
too high for that product or load (increasing
the load in an oven will change the air flow,
which sometimes causes overbrowning). Try
reducing the temperature 25°F/15°C, spread
the load more evenly in the oven, or bake in
smaller batches.
The top shelf browns faster than the others.
Air is circulated around a baffle at the back
or one side of the oven (the fan draws air in
from the center). Freshly reheated air from
the top of the baffle (in ovens with a rear-
mounted fan) hits the top pan first. Radiant
heat from the top of the oven also con-
tributes to faster browing on the top shelf.
This is typical of convection ovens. Either
allow more space between the top of the
oven and the uppermost pan or remove the
top pan earlier than the others.
Muffins are too dark, gummy on the inside,
do not rise properly, or "explode" halfway
through baking. Muffins are chemically leav-
ened with baking powder and baking soda.
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Time & Temperature Recommendations
(All times and temperatures are estimates and should be verified in actual practice. Starting temperature of food,
pan size/fullness and opening oven during cooking will affect cooking times.)
Menu Item
Mile high apple pie
Cherry pie
Strawberry rhubarb pie
Dutch apple pie
Cake layers
hot air 350/175 50 min pie tins on wire racks
hot air 350/175 40 min pie tins on wire racks
hot air 350/175 50 min pie tins on wire racks
combi 350/175 50 min pie tins on wire racks
hot air 300/150 25 min sheet pans
Apple coffee cake
Sour cream coffee cake
hot air 300/150 25 min also test in combi mode
hot air 300/150 25 min also try in combi mode
combi 325/165
1 hr
Angelfood cake
Carrot cake layers
Cherry crisp
Hot seasoned apples
Cherry strudel
hot air 325/165 50 min tube pans on wire racks
hot air 325/165 25 min sheet pans
combi 325/165 30 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 250/120 15 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
hot air 350/175 30 min
Chocolate brownies
Indian pudding
hot air 325/165 25 min sheet pans
35 min 2-1/2" solid pan
Oatmeal raisin cookies
Peanut butter choc. chunk
Butter sugar cookies
Bear claws
hot air 325/165 15 min
hot air 300/150 12 min higher temp for crispier cookie
combi 300/150 10 min also try on hot air
combi 350/175 20 min also test in hot air
hot air 300/150 15 min
White chocolate fudge cookies
Blueberry muffins
hot air 350/175 20 min preheat to 400F/205C, load
oven, turn off for 6-8 min,
then bake at indicated
Banana nut muffins
Apple cinnamon muffins
Chocolate chip muffins
hot air 350/175 20 min see other muffin procedures
hot air 350/175 20 min see other muffin procedures
hot air 350/175 20 min see other muffin procedures
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Time & Temperature Recommendations
(All times and temperatures are estimates and should be verified in actual practice. Starting temperature of food,
pan size/fullness and opening oven during cooking will affect cooking times.)
Menu Item
Bread sticks (soft style, raw)
Dinner rolls
combi 325/165 10 min 375F/190C for crispy style
combi 325/165 20 min also test in hot air
combi 375/190 preheat low temp stage produces
better crust- can be eliminated
Hard rolls
keep total time
250/120 5 min
350/175 15 min
Whole wheat rolls
French bread
combi 325/165 25 min also test on hot air
combi 375/190 20 min see hard roll procedure also
try in combi mode
hot air 325/165 15 min also test in combi mode at
Cinnamon raisin biscuits
Sweet rolls
Pecan Rolls
hot air 325/165 15 min also try in combi mode
combi 325/165 20 min also try in hot air mode
combi 325/165 20 min also test in hot air mode
combi 350/175 20 min also test in hot air
Cheese Danish
Menu Item
Hard cooked eggs
15 min perforated steam pans or in
cardboard flats on sheet pans
15 min 2-1/2" solid pan
Egg foo yung
Cheese souffle
Spanish omelet
combi 350/175 30 min 2-1/2" solid pan
steam NA 10 min 1/2-size sheet pan, lined
Spinach quiche
combi 325/165 40 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 325/165 40 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 325/165 40 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 325/165 40 min 2-1/2" solid pan
Mixed vegetable quiche
Onion cheese quiche
Chilian cheese quiche
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Time & Temperature Recommendations
(All times and temperatures are estimates and should be verified in actual practice. Starting temperature of food,
pan size/fullness and opening oven during cooking will affect cooking times.)
Menu Item
combi 375/190 20 min
Baked potato
combi 400/205 45 min on sheet pan, unwrapped
combi 400/205 15 min oiled pan, brush tops w/oil
combi 350/175 20 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 375/190 30 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 375/190 40 min sheet pan
Hash brown potatoes
Rissole potatoes
Roast potatoes
Baked sweet potatoes (whole)
Parsley potatoes
Glazed sweet potatoes
Potato puffs (frozen)
25 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 300/150 30 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 375/190 20 min single layer on sheet pan
Rice pilaf
25 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
25 min 2-1/2" solid pan
Cheesy rice casserole
White & wild rice
(parboiled, conditioned)
Brown rice
combi 300/150 30 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
30 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
30 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
Spaghetti (retherm, w/sauce)
Shells Florentine
(precooked pasta w/sauce)
combi 250/120 15 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 275/135 30 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 300/150 40 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 275/135 40 min 2-1/2" solid pan
Macaroni & cheese
Baked beans
combi 300/150 40 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 350/175 15 min sheet pan
hot air 325/165 35 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 300/150 15 min 2-1/2" solid pan
hot air 350/175 30 min 2-1/2" solid pan
Pizza (scratch crust)
Chili cornbread casserole
Black bean enchilada
Yorkshire pudding
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Time & Temperature Recommendations
(All times and temperatures are estimates and should be verified in actual practice. Starting temperature of food,
pan size/fullness and opening oven during cooking will affect cooking times.)
Menu Item
Bacon slices
Canadian bacon
combi 325/165 15 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 400/205 5 min
single layer on sheet pans
Baked ham
Grilled ham slice
combi 300/150
combi 400/205 10 min cook on wire racks
preheat 450
1 hr
sheet pan
Grilled butterflied pork chops
Baked pork chops
Roast pork
combi 400/205 10 min oiled chops on sheet pan
combi 325/165 20 min single layer on sheet pan
(150° internal, rest 20 min)
Grilled pork cutlet
BBQ pork for sandwich
(Boston butts, raw)
Grilled pork tenderloin
combi 300/150 50 min use sheet pan or wire rack
combi 400/205 15 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 250/120
2 hrs
on sheet pan w/sauce
combi 400/205 15 min oiled wire rack
Kielbasa for sandwiches
Italian sausage
Pork sausage links
Sausage patties
combi 375/190 15 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 375/190 15 min sheet pan
combi 350/175 15 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 300/150 15 min steam for better yield (no
15 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
20 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
BBQ boneless rib for sandwich
combi 250/120 15 min shingled on sheet pan
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Time & Temperature Recommendations
(All times and temperatures are estimates and should be verified in actual practice. Starting temperature of food,
pan size/fullness and opening oven during cooking will affect cooking times.)
Menu Item
Hamburgers (frozen patties)
combi 400/205 10 min perforated sheet pan preferred
combi 300/150 40 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 325/165 30 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
Hamburger pie
Hot dogs
15 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
New York Strip
Marinated sirloin steak
Grilled flank steak
combi 500/260 8 min
combi 500/260 10 min oiled sheet pan
combi 500/260 10 min oil steak, cook on wire rack
oiled steaks on wire racks
Salisbury steak w/gravy (retherm) combi 250/120 20 min 2-1/2" solid pan
Teriyaki steak
London broil
combi 400/205 10 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 500/260 15 min oiled steak, preheated racks
Breakfast steak
Ribeye sandwich steak
combi 500/260 5 min
combi 500/260 5 min
brush w/butter, use oiled pan
brush w/melted butter, cook
on wire racks, catch pan on
bottom (preheat oven well)
Prime rib (rest before carving)
Roast beef
Roast beef hash (retherm)
Braised beef w/mushrooms
Herbed pot roast
combi 275/135 2-1/2 hrs wire rack, check internal temp
combi 275/135 2-1/2 hrs sheet pan or wire rack
combi 250/120 25 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 250/120
combi 250/120
1 hr
3 hrs
2-1/2" pan, uncovered
2-1/2" solid pan
Beef sausage links
combi 350/175 15 min may also be steamed
Beef-a-roni (precooked, retherm) combi 260/125 20 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
Italian beef sandwich (retherm)
Corned beef hash
BBQ beef brisket for sandwich
combi 275/135 20 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 250/120 25 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 250/120 90 min + cook with sauce @ low
375/190 10 min heat, raise temp to set glaze
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Time & Temperature Recommendations
(All times and temperatures are estimates and should be verified in actual practice. Starting temperature of food,
pan size/fullness and opening oven during cooking will affect cooking times.)
Menu Item
Baked chicken
combi 375/190 35 min single layer on sheet pan
Grilled marinated chicken breast combi 375/190 15 min single layer on sheet pan
Chicken patty sandwiches (frozen)combi 375/190 20 min single layer on sheet pan
Chicken tenders
Chicken/Mexican quesadilla
combi 400/205 15 min toss w/oil, cook on sheet pan
combi 300/150 30 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
Low Fat Chicken & vegie stir fry combi 375/190 15 min toss raw ingredients w/oil,
add sauce after cooking
BBQ chicken (sauced, pieces)
Chicken pot pie
Chicken tettrazini
Chicken Kiev
Chicken cordon bleu
Chicken parmesan
combi 325/165 35 min sheet pan
combi 350/175 45 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 275/135 30 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 375/190 20 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 375/190 20 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 375/190 20 min single layer on sheet pan
Hot turkey sandwich (retherm)
Turkey w/dressing (retherm)
combi 250/120 15 min shingled in shallow layers
combi 250/120 15 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
BBQ turkey sandwich (retherm) combi 250/120 15 min shingled in shallow layers
Menu Item
Baked sole
Stuffed flounder
combi 375/190 10 min flat filets on sheet pan
combi 350/175 20 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 350/175 10 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 375/190 10 min/in sheet pan or wire rack
combi 275/135 30 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 375/190 15 min single layer on sheet pan
combi 375/190 10 min/in single layer on sheet pan
combi 375/190 20 min sheet pan
Cod fish for sandwich
Grilled yellow fin tuna
Tuna noodle casserole
Rainbow trout (whole, thawed)
Baked cod
Salmon fillet in puff pastry
Whole lobsters - 1#
Steamed clams
15 min perforated pan
10 min perforated pan
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
Time & Temperature Recommendations
(All times and temperatures are estimates and should be verified in actual practice. Starting temperature of food,
pan size/fullness and opening oven during cooking will affect cooking times.)
Menu Item
10 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
20 min 2-1/2" solid pan
12 min perforated pan
Asparagus & egg au gratin
Broccoli (fresh spears)
Broccoli cheese casserole
Cauliflower (fresh florets)
Corn (frozen niblets)
Corn on the cob
Fingerling carrots
French cut green beans (frozen) steam
Garden peas (frozen) steam
combi 300/150 40 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
12 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
20 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
15 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
15 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
15 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
10 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
15 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
15 min 2-1/2" perf pan
20 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
20 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
15 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
10 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
20 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
Glazed carrots (frozen w/sauce) steam
Green beans w/water chestnuts steam
Italian vegetables (frozen)
Mexican corn (frozen)
Mixed vegetables (frozen)
Pea pods w/water chestnuts
Peas & mushrooms (frozen)
combi 300/150 20 min toss veg w/oil before cooking
Sliced carrots (raw)
Spinach (frozen)
Sugar snap peas (frozen)
Vegetable primavera casserole
Vegetarian stir fry (low fat)
20 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
20 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
15 min 2-1/2" pan, uncovered
combi 275/135 30 min 2-1/2" solid pan
combi 375/190 10 min toss raw ingredients w/oil,
add sauce after cooking
Vegetarian stuffed peppers
Whole green beans
Zucchini w/basil
combi 300/150 30 min 2-1/2" solid pan
15 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
10 min 2-1/2" perforated pan
Blodgett Combi Cooking Guide
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